
GoTaq Endure qPCR Master Mix & RT-qPCR System

Inhibitor-Resistant Multipurpose Master Mixes for Probe-Based qPCR and RT-qPCR. This robust master mix amplifies DNA targets from challenging sample types that contain PCR inhibitors, such as humic acid, heparin, hematin and other compounds found in clinical, health and agricultural research samples.
  • Tested for performance with challenging sample types including: blood, bacteria, virus, fecal, soil, plant, food.
  • Multiplex and fast cycling compatible on most real-time PCR instruments.
  • Room-temperature setup suitable for automation and high-throughput detection.

GoTaq Endure qPCR Master Mix

Art nr: A6220

Fp. Storlek

200 rxn

GoTaq Endure qPCR Master Mix

Art nr: A6221

Fp. Storlek

1000 rxn


10 450 SEK

GoTaq Endure qPCR with XpressAmp® Direct Amplification

Art nr: A6222

Fp. Storlek

200 rxn

GoTaq Endure RT-qPCR System

Art nr: A6223

Fp. Storlek

200 rxn


15 950 SEK

GoTaq Endure RT-qPCR System

Art nr: A6224

Fp. Storlek

1000 rxn

GoTaq Endure RT-qPCR w XpressAmp Direct Amplification

Art nr: A6225

Fp. Storlek

200 rxn